Health Beauty Prosperity

For a better life

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Happy new year 2019

Dear Blog readers,


Thank you for reading my blog last year. Instead of wishing you a happy new year I would like to give you some tips so 2019 can be a year of health, beauty and prosperity.


Tips for health:

Eat more fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, and reduce or eliminate (better) junk food, and industrial foods and sugar. Add herbs in your diet. Herbs are rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals to help your body function properly and regenerate. Eliminate vitamins and minerals as they are only chemicals and isolates. Vitamins pills are made by men in a laboratory and add acidity and toxicity to your body. Click here.

Move your body. Do a sport 45 min. per day 5 days a week. Click here.

Reduce stress. Practice meditation for example. Click here.

Sleep enough. Click here.


Tips for beauty:

Protect your skin from the sun. Click here.

Nourish your skin from the inside. Click here.

Clean your skin from pollution. Click here.


Tips for prosperity:

Why making your boss richer? Get richer yourself. Start your own business. Click here.

Prepare for retirement now. Click here.

What type of business should you consider? Click here.

The opportunity you should not miss. Click here.


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Tiramisu Sunrider

Submitted by: Birgitt Kranl, Independent Business Owner, Germany

Ingredients (for seven small glasses):
33 oz. Calli® Regular
33 oz. warm water mixed with two packs of Fortune Delight® Raspberry
1 pack ladyfingers
1 cup mascarpone
Cream (optional)
1 pack VitaShake® Cocoa

• Mix mascarpone with cream (optional) and sweeten to taste with choice of sweetener (optional).
• Prepare ladyfingers by alternately dunking them into Calli® and Fortune Delight®.
• Serve in seven glasses, layering alternately with mascarpone and soaked ladyfingers, ending with a layer of mascarpone.
• Cool for 2–4 hours.
• Sprinkle with VitaShake® shortly before serving.

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5 reasons to kick your diet soda habit

Recently I read  an article called “5 reasons to kick your diet soda habit” it said:

… “study after study shows that diet soda is likely failing you in its pounds-free promise and putting your health at risk at the same time.

Researchers have linked drinking diet soda with:

Weight gain

Diet soda drinking correlates with both increased waist circumference and a heightened body mass index. What’s up? One possible explanation is that diet soda disrupts our ability to feel full. …

Higher sugar consumption

…Artificially sweetened drinks activate our sweetness response, but don’t completely satisfy it, leaving you craving more of the real thing. This can drive us to eat more sugary foods than we would normally.

Kidney problems

Julie Lin, M.D., a kidney specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, studied the soda habits and kidney health of more than 3,000 women for 11 years.

“What we observed,” Dr. Lin says, “was an association between drinking two or more servings of diet soda per day and faster kidney function decline.” In fact, the kidneys of diet soda drinkers declined at three times the rate typical of aging…


Increased diabetes risk

“If you’re a consumer of diet soda, you have a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome than a non-consumer,” says Lyn Steffen, Ph.D., R.D, a professor in the division of epidemiology and community health at the University of Minnesota.

Here’s why that’s bad news: Metabolic syndrome involves a deadly combination of abdominal obesity, elevated blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides (fatty acid derivatives linked to heart disease and stroke) and elevated glucose (high blood sugar) — all of which increases the risk of diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke.

Steffen studied thousands of people over nine years. At the end of the study, she looked at the study subjects’ diets and whether they had developed metabolic syndrome. She found that the greatest predictors of someone getting the syndrome were those who consumed meat-heavy diets, fried foods and diet soda. Other researchers have linked diet soda drinkers with a 67 percent greater risk of developing full-fledged type 2 diabetes.



A January 2012 study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that people who guzzle diet soda daily have a 43 percent higher risk of vascular events — such as stroke and heart attack — than people who don’t drink diet soft drinks. However, light diet soda drinkers — those who sipped diet soft drinks somewhere between once a month and six a week — were not more likely to suffer vascular events.”  Click here to see the article  


So what is the solution?

Drink water would say some people, yes but some people like to taste something in their water.

So switch brand to Fortune Delight.

What is Fortune Delight?

Fortune Delight is a safe drink made out of different herbs that will help the body to cleanse.

Fortune Delight is:

Fortune Delight

NO sugar

NO artificial sweetener

NO laxative

NO preservatives

Concentrated in antioxidants

NO Caffeine

NO pesticides


It is great for kids, athletes, busy people, well everybody.

It gives more energy, helps to flush fat and is a great and gentle cleanser.

For more information please fill out the following :

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Sunrider sport Gene Sullivan

 Gene Sullivan

Billings, Montana

I am 64 years old and the longest touring motorcycle jumper in the world. Sunrider® products help make it possible to keep jumping through a wall of fire on my bike. I have trained with weights and sports since I was in junior high school. I’ve been a professional bodyguard, a pro-boxer, and in stunt work for over 30 years.
While I’ve always kept myself physically fit, I have not always eaten right. Training supplements, such as whey protein and thermogenics, were always a major part of my diet. Since I started eating Sunrider® whole foods (mostly NuPlus®, Vitashake®, Calli®, Fortune Delight® and Quinary®, but I also use Veros®, SportCaps®, Mens Formula and love the MetaShaper®), I have discontinued all my prior supplements. I have not taken whey protein or any protein supplement thermogenics in well over 10 years. My weight lifting and training level has not diminished but increased. My strength and energy have increased and my appetite remains stable.
The life and energy in these Sunrider® foods are remarkable and beyond one’s expectations. The convenience, concentration and superior care that goes into Sunrider® foods from beginning to end truly sets it apart, and it is the reason for Sunrider’s success the last 30 years.

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Sunrider Sport Success Story Featuring Amanda Stark

 from Sunrider International, tuesday 13 march 2012, 17:03 ·
 Amanda StarkI am not an ultra marathoner, but within the last 5–6 years I have challenged myself to sign up for a half marathon a year so I have a goal to work toward during those hard winter months. Within the last year I relocated to Knoxville, TN, where I was introduced to Sunrider by the company I work with.

Since then, I have become a Sunrider IBO and have incorporated several products into my daily routine. I decided to put these products to the test and see if my performance and endurance improved. To my surprise, they certainly did! I incorporated one Liqui-Five® and one Evergreen® daily. I would drink Fortune Delight® for my beverage of choice before, during, and after my workouts. I also had a VitaShake® at least once a day to nourish my body. I also combined the Citric C™ Tab and Herb Cal® Tab either before or after my runs, taking 1–2 of each. I never had any trouble with muscle cramps.

For my long runs, I carried Sunrise®  for extra calories, and when I was between miles 6–8 I would drink it—that kept me energized to finish my run. The morning of my race, I took a Liqui-Five® about 30 minutes before my race started. During my run, I felt very balanced. I didn’t have any side or muscle cramps and I felt energized. The best part was I shaved 20 minutes off my last half marathon pace, finishing in just 1 hour and 44 minutes!

Since I was introduced to Sunrider, my eating habits have changed completely. I feel I am cleansed, nourished, and balanced when I eat the Sunrider® foods. I am glad to be a part of such a reliable company. I hope whoever reads this can be as inspired as I am to continue using these reliable products! My next race is in less than four weeks!
–Amanda Stark

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Is your body too acidic?

Dr. Theresa Ramsey is a practicing physician, speaker, lifestyle expert, author of the best selling book, Healing 101: A Guide to Creating the Foundation for Complete Wellness & a weekly guest expert on Channel 3 TV’s Your Life A to Z. 
How to help with acidity in your body? Drink daily Fortune Delight. Fortune Delight is alcalin.
We have some Stevia too, but ours is concentrated, doesn’t have a bitter taste or additives.
To order some please send me an email at I will be happy to send you samples as well.

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Tips to Stay Healthy During the Cold and Flu Season

Be prepared during cold and flu season to protect the health of your family with a proactive approach. Because there is still no cure for cold and flu viruses, preventative action should be your focus. Here are a few simple and easy measures you can employ to bolster your immune system and minimize the risk of getting sick.
Keep Your Hands Clean
Cold and flu viruses are easily spread. People cough or sneeze into their hands and then contaminate shared objects such as keyboards, phones, and door handles—and the viruses can live on these surfaces for hours! One of the best and easiest ways to combat the spread of sickness is to clean your hands frequently.
For on-the-go use, there’s nothing better than Kandesn® Hand Cleansing Gel—slip it into your purse or pocket to enable effective, waterless cleansing wherever you go. And Oi-Lin® Liquid Soap is perfect for daily household use; like our hand cleaning gel, it moisturizes while it cleanses, so your skin won’t be left dry or chapped, just clean, soft, and refreshed.
Keep Fit
The best prescription for preventing illness during the cold and flu season is to practice healthy habits. And this includes getting enough exercise. Maintaining a regular exercise program of low-to-high intensity workouts for at least 30 minutes several days a week is recommended to build a strong immune system. Overall fitness helps the body stay healthier and ward off illness, as well as helping you recover more quickly when you do get sick. Sunrider has a wide array of sports and nutritional supplements including Dr. Chen® MetaBooster® and Electrosport® that are designed to supercharge your workout routine and keep you going strong.
Drink Plenty of Fluids
Drinking plenty of fluids keeps your body hydrated and can be a good way to take in body-fortifying nutrients. In addition to being delicious “winter warmer” teas, Calli® and Fortune Delight® provide a host of nutrients, including tea catechins, antioxidants, and bioflavonoids. Drinking these concentrated herbal beverages also enhances the body’s natural cleansing process.
Daily Defense
Getting your daily allowance of vitamin C is a good way to support immune system health. Citric C™ Tab contains 125 mg of vitamin C—200% of the daily recommended value. Our Tabs are formulated with a body-boosting blend of natural ingredients, including citrus bioflavonoids, green tea leaf extract, and concentrated rose hips, all known for their antioxidant properties. This chewable supplement is a tasty, convenient way to get your daily vitamin C and support optimal health. And parents, Citric C™ Tabs have a natural orange flavor that kids love!
Get Enough Rest
Not getting enough sleep can tax your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to cold and flu viruses. Be aware of how many hours of sleep a night your body needs to feel rested and alert, and supplement it with short naps of 15–30 minutes if possible. Our all-natural herbal tea, Calli® Night, makes a soothing beverage to enjoy before bedtime to promote a good night’s sleep. You can also rub some SunBreeze® Oil or Balm on your neck or muscles to help you unwind and relax—it’s a wonderful way to induce a restful, restorative sleep.